Abejas - Zapatos - estrella

“Abejas – Zapatos – estrella” (Bees – Shoes – Star)
Wire art sculptures
Diverse dimensions

Work in commission and free work

Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Abejas - Bees - Estrella - Star - Shoes - Zapatos - wire art sculptures by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto

I like to walk. These are moments of reflection and creativity. As I walk, new ideas appear.
In these shoes grow wings.
Starfish, sky star, wire star…
I look for stars, I collect stars. They can be starfish, or stars in the sky.
Sometimes I can’t find any. No matter. Those days I make one myself.
These three bees are born from the request of a client. Preparing the realization of the project, we talked about the relationship that bees have with the golden ratio. This work is a tribute to the mathematical mysteries of nature and in this case, the bees.
In the book “The Da Vinci code” by the writer Dan Brown, the following text appears:
“The female bees always outnumber the male bees. If you divide the number of female bees by the number of male bees in any beehive in the world, you always get the same number” The number that appears is PHI 1,618. The golden ratio is a mathematical concept that results from this number.
The golden ratio, sectio Aurea or sectio Divina, is the division of a line segment into two parts with a special ratio. In the golden ratio, the larger of the two parts is to the smallest, just as the entire line segment is to the larger.
Since ancient times, many artists and architects have used this mathematical concept in their work. With it, a balance and organic structure is created in the compositions.

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