Munt theater Weert - Work in commission

Munt theater Weert
Wire art project

“Hilo de oro enhebrado en el escenario para coser corazones”

“Golden thread springing from the stage to open hearts”

February – june 2024

Artwork for Munt theatre Weert - work in commission - wire art project sculptures by a-nieto - Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Artwork for Munt theatre Weert - work in commission - wire art project sculptures by a-nieto - Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Artwork for Munt theatre Weert - work in commission - wire art project sculptures by a-nieto - Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Artwork for Munt theatre Weert - work in commission - wire art project sculptures by a-nieto - Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Artwork for Munt theatre Weert - work in commission - wire art project sculptures by a-nieto - Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
Artwork for Munt theatre Weert - work in commission - wire art project sculptures by a-nieto - Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto


The Munt Theatre in Weert has existed for 50 years. It is a time to celebrate.
I was commissioned to create a work of art to commemorate this moment.

The Munt Theatre wanted to put the public as the protagonist.
“Thanks to them we exist, for them is all our work.”

The idea came to me when I could look from the podium at the room with the red seats. I felt the magic of what happens in that room. In 50 years thousands of people have sat in those seats. Different people, feeling, living, laughing, crying or perhaps sleeping. Red thrones that offer to be occupied to live a unique experience, in a place that belongs to everyone. 


El teatro Munt de Weert existe desde hace 50 años. Es un momento para celebrar. Me encargaron crear una obra de arte para conmemorar este momento. 

El teatro Munt quería poner al publico como protagonista. “Gracias a allos existimos, para ellos es todo nuestro trabajo”.

 La idea apareció cuando desde el podio pude mirar a la sala de butacas rojas. Sentí la magia de lo que sucede en esa sala. En 50 años miles de personas se han sentado en esas butacas Personas diferentes, sintiendo, viviendo, riendose, llorando o quizeás durmiendo. Tronos rojos que se ofrecen a ser ocupados para vivir una experiencia unica, en un lugar que es de todos.

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