Baile de letras

Baile de letras, (Letter dance) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto
Oleaje de de notas

Oleaje de notas, (Wave of music notes) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto
El vuelo de toro

El vuelo de toro, (Flight of the bull) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto
Paso de león

Paso de león, (Lion step) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto

A la Carrera, (on the run) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto
Gato trepador

Gato trepador, (Climbing cat) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto
Calisto la osa

Calisto la osa – Callisto the bear – wire art sculpture by a-nieto, by Spanish visual artist Angeles Nieto
La leona

La leona, (the lioness) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto
La escritora

La escritora “La Escritora” (The writer) Wire sculpture 144 x 79 cm incl. frame € 4.450,- incl. VAT Contact for more information
Buscandome – Looking for me

Mujer, (Woman) wire sculpture art work by a-nieto by Spanish visual artist Ángeles Nieto